DIY Christmas Tree Skirt Alternative That’s Easy & Inexpensive

Let’s get something out of the way right now. I’m not a crafty person. Not even a little bit. I could mess up a stick figure person and I’d be more apt to glue my fingers together than have any kind of success with a project that requires precise measuring and cutting, but I’m totally okay with that. Not everyone can be artsy and I’m happy to leave that up to the more talented folks out there, but when I recently saw this idea for a Christmas tree skirt alternative I got kind of excited. One, because I’ve disliked our current tree skirt for a long time, and two, because this project looked super easy and didn’t require any measuring, cutting, OR gluing on my part. I guess some might actually call it an (un)craft, but it posed it’s own set of challenges so I’m totally referring to it as a craft because it required a certain level of skill and there was tying involved. What? Tying is totally crafty, especially if what you’re tying is pretty, fancy, and a little glittery.

*Pro Tip: This project goes much better if you start it before your tree is actually up. We aren’t pros and since I came up with this genius idea after our tree was up (but thankfully not yet decorated) it required a bit more finesse and an extra person to help. But hey, teamwork is a good thing, right? Especially during the holiday season.

Super Easy Christmas Tree (Un)Skirt


  • 2 people
  • 1.5 yards Burlap Fabric
  • 1.5 yards Fancy Rope (it’s hard to tell in the photo, but there’s gold in the one I used) – you could really use whatever you like as a tie, but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Clean the floor. What? Unfortunately some people *ahem* *cough* (my husband) need this reminder.
  2. Lay the burlap on the floor.
  3. Carefully assemble your tree in the center of the fabric. Or have two really strong people pick up your already assembled tree and hold it in the air while you squirm around on the floor trying to place the fabric underneath the base. I really don’t recommend that second part, but it’s doable if you’ve got a good team to help you out.
  4. Have your helper bring all corners of the fabric to the center of the tree and hold it in a bunch with both hands.
  5. Take your fancy rope, cord, ribbon, or string and tie it snugly around the fabric. I then wrapped my rope completely around the tree one more time, pulled it tightly, and tied it into a simple bow.

This skirt is ideally meant for an artificial tree because it would make watering a live tree a bit tricky, but if you’re really careful you might be able to make it work.

DIY Christmas Tree Skirt

What do you think? I realize it’s nothing fancy, but that’s also what I like about it. I like that it’s simple, but a little elegant and pretty at the same time. My husband isn’t so sure he loves it as much as I do, but I don’t think he’ll mind it as much when there’s a bunch of presents with his name on them underneath the tree.



  1. Thanks Cathy! I am gonna try this myself as per your instruction. Happy Christmas!
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  2. It’s so pretty! And it actually doesn’t look easy, so that’s a plus – something super duper easy, but looks like you spent a lot of time and effort on it 🙂

    Happy Holidays!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..Music Monday – The Year In MusicMy Profile

  3. It looks amazing, will try it the next time

  4. Hi Cathy!, amazing idea you have ,.will try it the next time for sure as per your instructions. Keep update us.