CVS Caremark – All Kids Can – Baseball Camps

Programs that support and/or provide opportunities for children with disabilities hold a special place in my heart.  Having a child with special needs myself, I can tell you it is sometimes difficult to find a program that is a wonderful or even just a good fit for him and his needs.  When I received an email from TwitterMoms asking me to assist in promoting one such program I instantly thought, Yes, this is something I can easily support and promote.  The amazing program that I am talking about is the CVS Caremark All Kids Can Baseball Camps.  These camps are for children with disabilities and will take place at Fenway Park.  Yes, that Fenway Park.  Their goal is to find teams made up of kids with disabilities to participate in one of nine camps being held during this baseball season.

Here are some of the amazing highlights:

This is CVS Caremark’s 6th season of holding a special series of baseball camps at Fenway Park for Little League Challenger teams, Miracle League teams and inclusive baseball teams (all teams composed of children with disabilities).

Nine camps are being offered this season as part of CVS Caremark’s national philanthropic All Kids Can program, which focuses on helping children with disabilities learn, play and succeed in life.

Each camp provides New England children with disabilities an action-packed, dream-fulfilling experience playing ball and getting batting tips from Batting Coach Dave Magadan.

Also, from their website:

You can nominate your own team for a spot at one of the camps or you can nominate another team for a camp. If you have previously participated in an All Kids Can Baseball Camp at Fenway Park, you are encouraged to nominate another team. Coaches who nominate another team for a camp will receive a $50 CVS/pharmacy gift card to use for their teams. Coaches are only allowed to nominate one team, one time.

And a few of the activities that will make this an experience your child’s team won’t soon forget:

•A walk around the Warning Track for a team photo with Coach Magadan in front of The Green Monster
•A VIP tour of Fenway Park
Tickets to game in the CVS/pharmacy Family section

For the entire list of awesome fun they have in store for the teams, please visit their website.  This is truly an amazing opportunity for our children with disabilities.

*Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and CVS Caremark blogging program to be eligible to win a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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