Coastal Maine isn’t so bad I suppose

So I was chatting with my friend Megan this morning and whining about how telling her I was struggling to come up with something to write about. I gave up the whole niche blog thing because I wanted to feel more free with post ideas, but here I sat with nothing, or so much that I didn’t know where to begin. Then Megan was all why don’t you write about what you like about living in a small town? And I responded with are we even friends because I’ve made it clear that I don’t like where I live and I would think if you’re truly my friend you’d be paying attention when I complain vent?! THEN she pointed out, rather rudely I might add, that it can’t be all that bad since I like to brag about my view of the water and that I can walk five minutes to an amazing bakery and there are lobsters strolling up and down the sidewalk. Oh fine. I guess she has a point, especially about the last thing. Lobsters on the sidewalk are definitely something you can’t find anywhere else, but you have to be careful when passing them because those claws hurt when they reach out to shake hands. I’m not even kidding. I have missing halves of fingers to prove it. Okay, that last part isn’t true. I actually have all of my fingers, but it isn’t for a lack of trying on the part of the lobsters. I mean, they don’t intend to hurt you, they just don’t know their own strength so as rude as it might seem and at the risk of hurting their feelings, I step aside when they approach me on the sidewalk. My dog Socks, on the other hand, he’ll never learn.

Truth be told, there are a few things I enjoy about where I live and since I’m always telling Nick to find the positive in everything, I try to do the same and Megan made me realize there’s some good stuff where I live. I suppose she isn’t such a bad friend after all. Plus I think she really wants to come and visit and try to catch a few lobsters, which I think would be really funny fun to watch.

Disclosure: Don’t believe me about the lobsters? I got pictures of them walking up the sidewalk and they wanted their time in the spotlight, but they snapped two  of my pens in half while attempting to sign my release so I can’t post them here. Goodness knows I don’t need to FTC breathing down my neck. You’ll just have to come and visit if you want to see them for yourself.


  1. You have a view of the water??? SO jealous!!!! Have always wanted to go to Maine. Just haven’t had the chance. I’ve been in a writing slump too. Just this morning took a whole bunch of status posts I had put on Facebook and added them to my blog. Life has just been crazy lately (hece why you haven’t seen me around online anymore). I’m back now though – for the time being. LOL Lobsters on the sidewalk is so cool! We get alligators – they freak me out!
    Kim recently posted..Nightmares SUCK!My Profile

    • I do try to appreciate living on the coast, just wish it were a much warmer coast. I have a feeling those alligators are way more scary than my lobsters.

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