What’s on My DVR List Right Now? Hint: We Watch a Lot of Great TV Shows

Best Shows on Television

Do you ever wonder what television shows other people are watching? Either because you want ideas for something new to watch or because you want someone to talk to about the shows you’re already watching? I kind of like to know for both reasons, which is why I love it when someone asks that question on Facebook. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don’t, but I definitely keep track of other comments, especially when I’m looking for a new show to watch. Now that it’s Fall there’s plenty on television and it doesn’t take long for a long list to appear on our DVR menu. For me, the DVR is where it’s at because I loathe sitting through commercials except when we’re watching football or basketball. Those are almost always best enjoyed live.

Since I brought it up I bet you’re dying to know what’s on my DVR right now, aren’t you? It’s a pretty long list, but what can I say? We like us some good TV and since we pay so darn much for cable we may as well get our money’s worth, right? This is a list of shows either on our DVR right now, are usually there, or will be back soon (can I tell you how much I dislike mid-winter finales?). Seriously. First, it’s not even the beginning of winter yet and second, we have to wait all the way until almost-the-end of January before some of our favorite shows return. Can you even believe that kind of ridiculousness?

Okay, let’s get down to it, shall we? Here’s my list, in no particular order because just like with my kids I do not play favorites.

  1. The Bold & the Beautiful – Of all the soap operas I’ve watched over the years, this is my favorite. I’ve gradually weaned myself off the others, but I’ve held on to this one guilty pleasure. At least it’s only a 30-minute show.
  2. Jane the Virgin – I took a chance on this one a while back and checked it out on Netflix. It didn’t take long before the characters drew me in. It’s a great combination of drama and comedy and I kind of love it. Spoiler alert: Jane is not a virgin anymore.
  3. This Is Us – Okay, let’s be real. Is there anyone actually NOT watching this show? It’s good, like really good, especially for your sinuses since you’re pretty much guaranteed to cry at least once during every episode. No, really. Every single episode will make you cry.
  4. NBA Basketball – Because Boston Celtics. The end.
  5. NFL Football – I’m pretty sure you already know which team is my favorite, but just in case you forgot this should refresh your memory.
  6. First Time Flippers – Some day we want to flip a house so we watch this show to learn what not to do because some of those flippers seriously lack basic common sense. Like, does someone really need to tell you not to wear sandals to job site? Do they? Really?
  7. Love It or List It – This show is pretty predictable and I can usually guess which way the homeowners will go before the end of the show, but the banter between hosts Hillary and David is some of the best on television.
  8. Hell’s Kitchen – Gordon Ramsay yelling at incompetent chefs on a Friday night is good entertainment. What else can I say?
  9. Survivor – We’ve watched every season since the beginning and as long as Jeff Probst keeps hosting I’ll keep watching.
  10. Will & Grace – I cannot tell you how much I love this show. The cast is stellar and you’d never know they were off the air for more than 10 years because not only do they all look amazing, but they haven’t missed even one little beat. Just like This Is Us will make you cry, Will and Grace will make you laugh. You do already watch Will and Grace, right?
  11. Grey’s Anatomy – This one is probably one of my top five favorite shows of all-time. And they totally left us hanging by a thread with that mid-season finale. It’s going to be a really long wait for January 18.
  12. Scandal – Listen, I’ve loved this one since the beginning, but if I’m being honest I’m glad this is the final season. It’s run it’s course for me, but I’m definitely looking forward to January and seeing how things end up for some of my favorite characters on television.

Okay, I’m pretty sure there’s even more shows than this that make an appearance on our DVR, but you’re probably already judging me and my screen attachment, so I’ll stop there. But now it’s your turn.

What’s your favorite show on television right now? Or what show are you curious about watching?


  1. We don’t have cable or DVR but a lot of these shows are great. Thanks for the suggestions! My favorites are Law and Order:SVU, NCIS, Criminal Minds.
    Alicia recently posted..Enter the Entenmann’s Prize Pack GiveawayMy Profile

  2. I am so behind the times! I don’t have a DVR! I need to get one b/c there are so many shows to watch and not enough time!

  3. This Is Us is probably the greatest show ever made. Seriously, it’s so special, and I’m so excited and nervous about tonight’s episode. Ah! Jane the Virgin is also so great. I really didn’t think I was going to like this show when I first heard about it. I started watching it when I was sick in bed one day, and I was instantly hooked. Now I watch it every week. I just started watching Grey’s earlier this year. I’m only on season 7 though.
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  4. Um, that’s just like looking at my DVR! I like Riverdale a lot, too!
    Kristin recently posted..HGTV Santa HQMy Profile

  5. Scandal and This is Us are the shows that we’ve been watching lately! We definitely get emotional over This is Us!

  6. WOW, what a list. I am currently obsessed with The Good Doctor and The Gifted. they are a must see fro me.

  7. You’ve got a impressive list! I’ve been meaning to watch This is Us but it seems like it’s always so sad.
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  8. I LOVE Hell’s Kitchen! I don’t think I’ve seen any of the other shows before, though. I’ll definitely have to check them out 🙂

    Louise x
    Louise recently posted..Weekday Pick Me UpsMy Profile

  9. I’m a huge fan of Grey’s, This Is Us, and Jane the Virgin myself. Although I’m still on season 1, because I’m watching on Netflix. There’s really not anything else like it on tv.
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