My Favorite Berry Spinach Smoothie {Recipe}

I recently shared some of my favorite foods to have on hand at all times, including a few that I love to add when making a smoothie. I love smoothies! It is truly one of the easiest ways to drink some healthy calories while getting in a few servings of fruit, and even veggies, every day. I love the natural energy I get from sipping a smoothie rather than filling up my mug for a third or fourth (yikes) cup of coffee. I will always love coffee, but it doesn’t have quite the same effect as a nutrient-packed smoothie. While I like to have several different types of fruit on hand that I can toss into the blender to make a quick mid-day smoothie, this is the one that I make most often. Berry Spinach Smoothie


2 cups fresh baby spinach

1 cup frozen mixed berries

1 banana

1/2 to 3/4 cup of water

Flax seeds

1/4 to 1/2 cup of Plain Greek Yogurt

*You could also add a little orange or pineapple juice for a bit of added sweetness, but the banana usually adds just enough for my personal taste.

Combine everything in the blender and mix it up until you have the consistency you love! I hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as I do!

Here’s the thing. The first time I added spinach to a smoothie I was a little nervous about how it would taste. I mean, it’s a VEGETABLE in a smoothie and clearly vegetables are not supposed to be added to smoothies. I have to say I have come to love it, not only because it is a good way to get in an extra vegetable serving, but also because the flavor is subtle enough that it doesn’t taste like I’m drinking blended spinach. If the idea of 2 cups of spinach scares you a little, you can start out by just adding 1 cup, but you just have to promise me you will work up to adding 2 cups, okay?

Do you have a favorite smoothie ingredient? Or a favorite recipe? Please share them with me!?!?!?!?!?



  1. I’ve been looking into healthier smoothies. This definitely looks delish!
    gem recently posted..Polynesian Cultural Center ReviewMy Profile

  2. This looks amazing! I’m all about smoothies these days-especially since it’s warming up outside. Flax seeds are a great addition.
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..Why We Walked to SchoolMy Profile

    • Thanks Lori! And I agree about the weather. I love making smoothies on a warm day and I especially love sharing them with the kids, especially when they include spinach. 🙂 I still need to buy some Chia Seeds, but WOW, they are expensive!

  3. Wow, that must be really healthy. 🙂 Never thought a spinach can be an ingredient in smoothies. Thanks for sharing.
    Tisha recently posted..Staying Safe In The SunMy Profile

    • Spinach is one of my most favorite smoothie ingredients. I was a little unsure at first, but the berries help to mask the flavor a little.


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