8th Grade Night at the High School

Last week Nick and I attended an informational meeting for parents and students who would be entering high school in the upcoming school year. Although Cody is a few years older than Nick, this whole experience was a first for me in many ways. While Cody entered entered high school with an IEP in place, Nick will enter with classes to choose, credits to keep track of, and a major jump in the amount of homework he is used to receiving. And apparently college. Yes, really. College. Again, this is totally new territory for me and I certainly hope Nick aspires to attend college and I plan to encourage him to, but I’d really like him to get his bearings as a freshman before having to consider which classes matter on a college application. Call me crazy or just send me a decent supply of wine, but I don’t remember being so aware of this in high school, at least not as a freshman anyway. I could barely find my way around the building, let alone have the time to concern myself with which English class would look best on a college application. I’m pretty confident everything will fall into place. I’ll help Nick select his classes and fill out college AND scholarship applications, but if things fall apart I’ll just blame the school guidance department because I like to delegate. I mean, it’s like they say, right? It takes a village.


  1. “delegate” made me laugh…and then I remembered my oldest will start jr high next year. How is that even possible? what happened to those tiny babies?
    Nanette of HeartBabyHome recently posted..Pulse Ox Testing and the PDAMy Profile

    • Glad to make you laugh. I’m not sure how it’s possible, either. I swear it wasn’t that long ago that my kids were both small enough to cuddle in my lap. I’d really like to have the option of a pause button.

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