5 Helpful Dating Apps & A Perfect Parents Night Out [Infographic]

Dating Apps

My husband and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary (Yay Us) and I have to admit that while he might drive me crazy sometimes I’m also really glad not to be dating. I mean, meeting new people is great and all, but I’d honestly have no idea what I’m doing if I had to start dating again. I’m pretty sure I’d scare a lot of people off, which would then just lead to me staying home alone to eat lots of popcorn and ice cream while binge-watching my favorite television shows. What? Spending time with the remote control is totally dating, right? Okay fine, maybe not, but it would totally work for me.

Using Your Smartphone to Plan the Perfect Date Night

If you’re not like me, which I hope is the case, and you happen to be single and actually want to meet new people and get yourself out there every now and then and maybe go on a date (or three) then I’m here to help. No, really, I am because even though the thought of dating freaks me out I want to help you find the potential love of your life. The best part is that my advice starts with the thing you probably bring with you everywhere you go and the one thing that goes to bed with you every single night. Your phone. Oh you know I’m right, so don’t even try to deny it. I love my Samsung Galaxy S7 and I’m willing to bet you love your smartphone just as much, which is actually good in this case. If you’re more of an Apple iPhone 7 kind of a person then I’ve got you covered as well, so don’t fret because there are some really helpful apps to simplify the dating experience, especially when you download and use them on a dependable network like mine.

Now I know that these apps can’t necessarily take away the inevitable stress of dating, but hopefully they can make it a little more fun while helping you plan the perfect date with a potential mate. The best part is that all of these apps are free, easy to navigate, and maybe even already on your smartphone.

Best App for Making a Dining Reservation

  • Not only can you us the Open Table app for general dining reservations, but it’s also great for finding the perfect restaurant when planning a date. You can use the app to look at reviews for a whole bunch of restaurants across North America as well as checking out the overall atmosphere and dress code of an establishment before making a reservation. If you want to avoid carrying your wallet then you’re in luck because users with an iPhone can settle their bill with Apple Pay.
  • Poynt is another great app for making the most of a night on the town. It uses your location to make suggestions and help you find a fun spot to have drinks or a movie to see for a date night that lasts as long as you want it to!

Same-Day Flower Delivery App

If you want to show someone that you’re thinking of them before your date night then you should definitely download the Bouqs app and use it to buy flowers. The best part is that there are many florists to choose from and you can even have them delivered the same day! My favorite thing about this app is that it’s great for your everyday life because it provides a helpful service to remind you of upcoming anniversaries, birthdays, or other special occasions. It can even automatically send flowers on those dates making it virtually impossible to forget an important day in the life of someone you care about.

An App to Help You Find the Perfect Bottle of Wine

The Vivino Wine Scanner App could quite literally save the day and change the way you choose a bottle of wine forever. Imagine being able to use your phone’s camera to scan a wine label and get information like reviews, food pairings, and pricing because that’s exactly what you can do with the Vivino App! So what are you waiting for? Download this one right now and use it when planning a date or when planning a night in with a bowl of popcorn and the remote control.

The Best App for Finding Childcare on Date Night

Dating isn’t just for single people, which is why the Care.com App is a wonderful tool for hard-working parents who deserve a night out with their spouse. This fairly new app helps users find a sitter in their area and even connects with Fandango and Open Table to help you plan the perfect date night that includes dinner and a movie!


So tell me. What’s your idea of a perfect date night?


Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but thoughts and opinions are always my own (especially if you think I’m funny).




  1. This is such a great list of apps! There have been times when my husband and I were out on a date night and not sure where to go after dinner! Now we have a plan. I am saving this post!

    • It’s amazing how much is available right at our fingertips, isn’t it? Here’s to more date nights with your hubby!

  2. Ha! At first I thought, “I’m married. I don’t need dating apps.”, but I do! These are awesome and I can’t wait to try them out!
    Milena recently posted..Beaches from Lionsgate Available May 9thMy Profile

    • I thought that at first, too, Milena! But yes we all need/deserve to get out every now and then. I hope you and your spouse hit the town very soon!

  3. Catherine S says

    This looks like a great app. I am going to check this out and plan a date night.

  4. My friend uses Care.com to find babysitters for her kiddos. She really likes it. I’ll have to tell her about these other ones.

  5. These all look like great apps. We’ve been married 35 years so I’m with you – I can’t imagine dating now although I’m sure these apps help make it a little easier!
    Lois Alter Mark recently posted..2017 mazda3 grand touring 5-doorMy Profile

    • I totally agree, Lois. While I don’t envy singles nowadays I do love that they have so much help available to them to find a potential mate AND to plan a fun night out.

  6. Mandy Carter says

    Few I never heard of. I use Yelp to plan out where I want to go based on reviews and photos then love Open table for reserving.

    • I’m enjoying what I’ve seen of Open Table so far, Mandy. Seeing reviews from other visitors is so helpful when planning a night out.

  7. Dawn Nieves says

    These are great ways to plan a date night. I’m about due for one with my husband so I need to give these a shot.

  8. Great dating tips. I just realized hubby and I haven’t been on a date in over 20+ years. That is a long time.

    • That’s a very long time, Rebecca. Put on that lovely new dress of yours and take man of yours to dinner and a movie.

  9. When they say that there is an app for everything, I now see that They aren’t kidding. How cool. Happy anniversary to you and your husband.
    Stephanie Jeannot recently posted..ACLU files claim against border patrol agent who allegedly sexually assaulted two sistersMy Profile

  10. With three little ones, we go long stretches without a date night. Too long! Those apps sound like they’ll make it so much easier, especially when you can find dinner asap.

    • Oh I hear you about dating your spouse when the kids are little. I hope you can make it happen sometime very soon!

  11. We will be married 20 years this summer and I agree with you about dating these days. I would not want to do it but my hubby and I have our date nights. It is important to continue to date your mate and have a night out or in whichever the case may be. I have received flowers from the Bouqs and they were beautiful. Great list of helpful apps.
    Shirley Wood recently posted..WWE Party with Pun Name FoodMy Profile

    • Wow. Congratulations on almost 20 years! I hope you and your hubby do something really special to celebrate. I’ve never seen any flowers in person from Bouqs, so it’s nice to hear a positive review.

  12. Claudia Krusch says

    I have a few friends on the dating scene. I will have to share this post with them. There are so many great apps to help you meet people.

  13. Great apps! I love the one to get flowers delivered the day of, a few times there has been instances to send flowers to someone and this would be great to have. I am always trying to think of date night ideas for my husband.

    • I can definitely think of a few occasions when I wish I had the automatic flower delivery set up. It’s definitely a great service!

  14. This is fun! Keeps date night from getting stale. I do use open table alot!

    • I finally just recently used Open Table to for the first time and I really like it. And YES to regular date nights even when you’re in a relationship.

  15. Marriage is like a flower; dont irrigate and it will dwindle… That’s is why it is so imortant to have your quality time together.
    have your moments….Thanks for sharing!
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    i don’t usually write posts or comments on articles but your blog was so convincing and is written with such diligence i had to praise it. great work!
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