31 Days to Build a Better Blog – Day 7

It seems like forever since I have written a Spring Cleaning post. I had good intentions to follow along and write posts at a similar pace to my lovely leader Mariana over at Riding With No Hands, but I have gotten behind.  Why?  Because this is hard work that I am taking seriously.  I want to have a better blog, but the only one who can make that happen is me. This challenge was initally created by Darren Rowse of Problogger (his original post can be found here).  When Mariana announced on Twitter that she wanted to bring it back to life, so to speak, I was thrilled and ready to take her Spring Cleaning seriously.  Yes, she gave it a name with her own spin and I think it suits this challenge perfectly, even though in my case it may take me until fall to finish at the current pace I am moving.
I have decided for me, that’s okay, though.  Just like with anything in life (weight loss, for example), taking your time and giving quality attention and focus to something will create long term success. 
Okay, today’s assignment was to write a link post.  I have to say, it’s mind boggling to think about the number of links I click on in one day.  Some are awesome and keep me coming back, while others are a one-stop deal and I may or may not return.  I have learned a lot from so many people, but more importantly for me, I have built and am still building relationships that I will last for many years to come. In this post I have already shared two links with you.  Both are amazing resources and worthy of browsing for more than just posts regarding this blog challenge. The second part of the assignment was to clean up my sidebar.  This is something I do every now and them and I don’t have a whole lot there that I would consider “junk” so I am pretty happy with it for now. 
Future goal for me:  add a link post into my weekly writing calendar.(if I had a calendar for my writing that would be a great idea, wouldn’t it?)  For now, I will jot it down in my planner notebook as a type of post that I want to include in the future.  If you are following along with this challenge, please let me know in the comments.  Also, please leave me a link to a really great site/post you think I should check out. (preferably not to your own blog) – spread the love to someone else.

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