3 Worst Cell Phone Habits & How to Stop Using Your Phone When Driving

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but I take cell phone etiquette and safety pretty seriously. Also, all opinions and attempts at humor are my own. 

July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month

Did you know that July is National Cellphone Courtesy Month? If you ask me it seems silly that we devote a month to ‘courtesy’, but I can also see why because of some blatantly rude behavior I’ve witnessed by cell phone users. So even though I think it’s a shame that such a month exists I’m also glad because it’s a great excuse to talk about ways we can all have better ‘mobile manners’ when out and about in our daily lives.

Rude Smartphone Behavior and How to Make it Stop

Have you ever been sitting in an office waiting for an appointment with someone nearby who is talking loudly on their cell phone? Or how about at an airport waiting for your flight and there’s another passenger having a phone conversation that pretty much everyone in the entire terminal can hear? I have been in both situations (more than once) and I’m almost always stunned by just how rude and inconsiderate people have gotten. Seriously, your call is not so important that it can’t wait until you’re not in a crowd or until you can move away from a situation for a private conversation. I get it, though, regardless of rules and basic social courtesy, there will always be people who don’t have a whole lot of consideration for those around them. And there will always be people like me who want to swat their phone out of their hand and school them on how to behave in public when using their favorite accessory. Hopefully bringing inconsiderate habits to someone’s attention will make them aware enough to change their behavior, or at the very least, improve it.

How Many Cell Phones are There in the World?

Like most people I don’t leave home without my cellphone (I’ve been known to go all the way back home to get mine for fear I might hyperventilate if we’re separated for too long), especially now that I have a snazzy new Samsung Galaxy S8. Seriously, have you seen this phone?!?! I’m pretty much in love, but I can promise you that being courteous is one of my top priorities. Don’t get me wrong because I’d never claim to be perfect, but if there was ever a time for all of us to rein in our manners it’s now, especially since the number of mobile devices in the world is higher than the number of people. Let that sink in for a moment. There are more devices than humans. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. How did we ever get by before technology geniuses gifted us with phones that aren’t attached to cords?

Worst Cell Phone Habits

Worst Cell Phone Habits & Tips to Change Your Behavior

Listen, we’re all guilty of annoying cell phone habits, but surveys have shown that those who get the most annoyed are often equally annoying to others. My friends at U.S. Cellular have put together a list of the most offensive cell phone habits that people are bothered by, but are also guilty of themselves. Be honest, can you relate to any of these?

  1. Using your phone while driving: Like 83% of smartphone users who were surveyed, I find it incredibly annoying when someone is on their phone when driving. More important than it being annoying is the fact it’s a safety risk, but 44% of smartphone owners admit to doing it. The best way to solve the problem is to put your phone down while driving, keep your hands on the wheel, and focus your eyes on the road. If you know you’ll be tempted to pick up your phone make a point of putting it on the back seat where you can’t reach it, or maybe in the trunk if you need to truly eliminate the temptation while driving. 
  2. Checking your phone while in the middle of a conversation: Would you agree with the 67% of cell phone users who think it’s rude to check your phone while in the middle of talking to someone? Are you one of the 45% of them who admits to checking their phone to avoid talking to someone face-to-face? Here’s an idea. Put your phone away and actively engage in a conversation. You might be surprised how much you enjoy yourself and how much you don’t actually miss your phone. 
  3. Looking at your phone when walking: Even though we all lead hectic lives and multitasking is sometimes a necessity, 61% of cell phone users are bothered when others focus on their phones when walking. Make it a priority to look up and always be aware of your surroundings because walking into someone is just plain rude and embarrassing. I’m not gonna lie because I’ve definitely been known to reply to a text or look up information while walking, but I can honestly say I also always pay attention to where I’m going because my bigger fear then running into another person is tripping and falling on the pavement. Nobody needs that kind of embarrassment, so please pay attention or don’t be surprised if someone gets really angry because your distraction causes you to walk into them. 

Okay, it’s time to fess up. Which one of these smartphone offenses are you guilty of OR if you’d rather not rat yourself out then tell me your biggest cell phone pet peeve?

Now go forth and be courteous, okay?

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but I take cell phone etiquette and safety pretty seriously. Also, all opinions and attempts at humor are my own.



  1. Honestly, for as much as I love my cell phone I hate my cell phone.
    I remember when I first got mine I would leave it at home on purpose so I couldn’t be found!
    I hate it when I am in the middle of the conversation and the person I am talking with pulls out their phone.

    • I totally hear you, Heather. While I never go anywhere without my phone, it does feel kind of nice when I realize I haven’t looked at in a while because I’m enjoying time with my people so much.

  2. The biggest offense I think I make is looking at my phone while walking. I don’t do it in a crowded place but aften when I’m walking my dog around the neighborhood I’ll be checking it.
    Carrie Chance recently posted..Things To Consider When Buying a HighchairMy Profile

  3. I hate that I am guilty of many of these behaviors. This is a great reminder that I need to put my phone down more.

  4. I hate all of these things! Especially when someone is doing these when they don’t need to be. If I’m at a blogger event I expect it, but not when I’m at lunch with a good friend. Annoying!

  5. I am amazed at some of the conversations people will have in public while on cell phones. I wonder if somehow they don’t get that we can hear them. I hope that we can all get better about our cell phone etiquette. I am good about not looking at my phone while talking outside the house but I a sure my . hubby would say that I look while we’re talking so room for me to grow!

  6. This is so timely. We just left a restaurant where a woman was sitting on the phone talking so loud on her phone as though she was alone in the room. It was so rude, and it’s time for all of us to learn better cell phone matters!

  7. Ha! We could all use a refresher on cell phone etitiquite! It has gotten out of control around here lately!
    Kristin Cheuvront recently posted..Tails of Mermaid FunMy Profile

  8. I agree that using the phone while driving is the worst! It is so dangerous! Another annoying smartphone thing to me is people playing music or videos without headphones while around other people. So rude!

  9. I am guilty of checking my phone while talking. It is something I need to work on stopping as it is really rude.

  10. It’s definitely a new culture we live in. I am working hard at teaching my kids to respect others by showing a good example of how I handle my phone.

  11. I hate when people check their phone when in a conversation. That is so rude. But some of these are becoming the “norm” of society. It’s kind of scary. haha.
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  12. I cannot stand when ppl are talking on their phone while checking out in a store, bank, etc. It is amazing how rude people have become over the years with their phones.

  13. I only recently got my cell phone. I don’t do any of these, but I do find them extremely annoying. Another pet peeve is people on the phone at the dinner table. Grrr…. or avoiding household chores by “using the bathroom” with their cell phones.
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