The first day of Spring

I’m not a winter person. Wait. That’s not true. I’m not a New England winter person. I loved winter when I lived in San Diego, all those years ago. Almost as soon as the crispness of fall settles upon us I begin to count the days until summer will arrive again. I don’t like the cold and my joints are begging me to live in a warmer climate. While the calendar marked today the first official day of Spring, we’ve been having some beautiful weather for the last few days here already. Glorious days, actually. Days filled with sunshine and warm air and leaving me craving ice cream. Today I took the dogs for walks, made a quick trip to the grocery store, and cooked a batch of homemade granola for the first time, but the very best part of my day? Spending an hour at our local little airport with Cody. If there’s a place where Cody loves to hang out, it’s the airport. The people who work there know him by name and they know why he’s there, to hopefully see a plane or two do some flying. This was our lucky day. There happened to be a new pilot practicing take-offs and landings, leaving Cody grinning with joy the entire time. I sat and soaked up the sunshine and more importantly I soaked up happiness through Cody’s eyes. I too, was grinning. The kind of grin that almost brings you to tears because you’re watching your child doing something they truly love in the world. Something so wonderful and amazing, yet so basic and simple. All too often my mind is racing with thoughts of various things that I need to get done, what bills need to be paid, or what I’m going to make for dinner instead of being in a moment, absorbing it for all it’s worth, appreciating the precious time with my kids. Today I did just that. And it felt really, really wonderful.

So far Spring is looking pretty good.


  1. What a perfect day at the airport with your son-who woulda thunk? It truly is amazing watching a child light up over something so simple. The weather has been unbelievable! Enjoy.
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..7 Natural Ways to Treat Bug BitesMy Profile

    • Thanks my friend! Even if it isn’t something we necessarily love for ourselves, it doesn’t matter when seeing the joy in their eyes. Simply priceless!

  2. Love the little moments like that…. when we’re truly “in” the moment and realize how such a simple moment is something to be truly treasured.

  3. Maryden25 says

    I know how you feel living in a cold place.. That is why I promised myself not to travel during winter. My legs might get cramps. And I know I will never enjoy it.
    Maryden25 recently posted..Do Diet Pills and Supplements Really Work for Weight Loss?My Profile

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