Meatless Monday

Wow! It’s Monday again already and that means I like to promote a meatless one for everyone.  You may already know that I am a vegetarian so every day is meatless for me, but I understand that not everyone can live without their meat.  My hope is that at least this one day a week, […]

Meatless Monday! A Few Ideas!

My family is pretty much “meatless” every day of the week, with the exception of pizza night for my husband and older son(they always have pepperoni, but it’s uncured so there are no nitrates or nitrites) and I usually try to prepare fish once a week, which my husband doesn’t like so he gets a […]

Baked Pasta with Roasted Veggies-It’s Meatless Monday!

One of my favorite things to do is take a recipe that includes meat or isn’t necessarily healthy and make it my own vegetarian version with seasonal vegetables and healthy alternatives to some of the listed ingredients. How is that “green” you ask? Well, first of all, the impact on the environment from farmed animals […]

Why it is Green to Be Vegetarian!

One of the many ways I think we can all be green is to eat less meat, or become vegetarian(and if you are really ambitious, vegan). In our house, we are vegetarian(except when out of the house when my husband goes carnivore crazy)! Not only is eating no meat or less meat green, but it […]

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