
If there is one thing I’m really good at, it’s procrastination. I was telling someone today about how I’m struggling to hang in there for November’s NaBloPoMo, but I’m no quitter and I’m far too competitive (mostly with myself) to give up. I’m realizing it’s a lot of writing, which probably wouldn’t be quite so […]

When my spam folder got sprinkled with pixie dust

Last Tuesday was like any other typical week day. Paul and I picked up Cody from school together, came home, waited for Cody to change into his lounging clothes, then we all sat together and watched The Price is Right on the DVR. We record it every day for Cody and he asks every single […]

Diva Cup – my newest sponsor

While it doesn’t usually take much to excite me, like a cafe mocha from my favorite coffee shop or an amazing deal on my car insurance, some things are truly worthy of shout it from the tampon aisle of the grocery store as loudly as you can excitement. Like when I want to talk about Diva […]

The Special Needs Mini-Conference at BlogHer

Attending blog conferences can be very overwhelming, especially BlogHer. With over 3000 attendees, a vast expo hall, brand representatives wanting a bit of your time, and friends you want to connect with, it can be hard to focus in on the actual meat of the conference, the sessions. If we are going to devote blocks of […]

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