Still Recycling into 2011

Last night I was thinking about New Year’s resolutions, specifically how they related to my blog and living a green lifestyle.  For the most part, it’s just become a habit for us, but every now and then when I look at the overflowing, somewhat of an eye sore,  mountain of recyclables in the corner of my kitchen, my very small kitchen, I sometimes think about how easy it would be to just throw it all in the trash and not have to worry about the pile and the separating and the driving to the transfer station.  I mean, I don’t have to pay for trash removal because my landlord takes care of it, so why don’t I just do what easier?  It feels good to recycle, that’s why.  I feel like we are doing our part in a big way, plus it really is just our normal.  If we have a cardboard box to get rid of, it goes into the recycle bin.  If I have an empty peanut butter jar, I rinse it and add it to the bin.  For me it just comes naturally and it’s the same for everyone in the family.  Everyone just knows that we recycle most everything.  We recycle so much, actually, that we only have a small bathroom sized trash can underneath our kitchen sink for what little we do throw away. 
So, I’m not sure what new green habit I will try for 2011, but I’m pretty sure that recycling isn’t going anywhere for us anytime soon.

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