I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. I mean, I love Thanksgiving. It’s actually my favorite holiday, but there’s usually a lot of work that goes into putting together the perfect Thanksgiving dinner so I’m actually a little excited that I won’t be doing any of that this year. While it feels a bit weird to think we won’t be home for the holiday, it mostly feels wonderful to be taking a much-needed family vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth and not only will we celebrating the holiday while there, but we’ll also be celebrating mine and Cody’s birthday as well. It’s been almost two years since we’ve been to Walt Disney World and I couldn’t be more ready to hug my favorite mouse and ride the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train for the very first time. Finally.
Even though I’m not in the middle of planning a gluttonous meal for my family to enjoy on Thanksgiving Day, I am working on a pre-vacation to-do list that keeps getting longer rather than shorter as I check things off of it. Believe me, I’m not complaining because I know how fortunate I am to be able to travel with my family, but preparing to take a trip always stresses me out a little. Okay, a lot. It stresses me out a lot. From making sure our sweet boy, Socks, is well taken care of, to packing suitcases and everything in between, I will have earned a little relaxation by the time we are flying the friendly skies. And maybe even a cocktail or three.
One of my favorite things to cross off my trip preparation to-do list is taking my jar of coins to our local Coinstar machine and cashing it in for a Starbucks gift card. I spend nearly an entire year filling it with only silver coins and have been able to walk away with enough on my gift card to treat everyone to coffee at least once a day while at Walt Disney World. One year when we didn’t travel I actually had enough to cash in for a new pair of running shoes with an Amazon gift card, so believe me when I say those coins can really add up! I bet you’re thinking who cares about your awesome coin savings, Cathy, because wouldn’t we all love to go to Walt Disney World and enjoy a Peppermint Mocha every single day while there, but some of us can’t. Or maybe you’re just super impressed with my coin jar and want to start one of your own. Either way, I think you’re awesome and at the very least you deserve your own Starbucks Gift Card to either enjoy for yourself or to give to someone special, which is why I decided to share the love on my next trip to the Coinstar machine and give you the chance to win your own Starbucks Gift Card. I know, I know. Now you’re thinking how ridiculously generous I’m being, but really I just love Starbucks and I want to send a little cheer to your mailbox. It’s just that simple. You know, like those red cups.
So here’s the deal. Leave me a comment telling me who you would most like to sit and chat with over a cup of coffee and you’ll be entered to win a $15 Starbucks Gift Card from little old me.
*12/1/2015 – AND WE HAVE A WINNER! Congrats to Casey (comment #11) – the random number generator liked you best this morning. Cheers!
Giveaway will end November 27th, 2015 at noon. I will then use a random number generator to choose a winner and they will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. Starbucks is not sponsoring this giveaway. The gift card will come directly from me because I’m awesome.
Right now I would like most to sit down an have coffee with my mom. I know I could pick anyone in the world, but I think a little face to face with my favorite person would be awesome. We talk most days on the phone, but those few thousand miles add up at times. Happy travels Cathy!!
Talking on the phone is nice, but definitely not quite as special as in person. I hope you get to see your Mom soon, Adrianne! Thank you for the travel wishes!
I would love to sit and have coffee with my friend Misha. She lives in Mexico now and we never see each other and rarely talk but she gets me the way few people do, and though the currents of our lives have carried us apart in some ways, we’re still really close and I miss her.
Julia recently posted..What I’ve Been Baking
Oh Julia, your friend Misha sounds like a true gem. I hope at the very least you get to talk to her soon. As a matter of fact, I hope you’ll make it a priority because it sounds to me like you’re both really lucky to have each other.
I would love to sit and chat with my great-grandmother. She made so many things and have passed down to our generation. I’d love to ask her why and what inspired her to do these great things.
Your great-grandmother sounds like a wonderful lady, Sandy. I always love when I get to sit and talk with my grandmother….her stories are always so sweet and sometimes pretty eye-opening.
I would love to have a cup of coffee with my dad. He passed away a month ago and I would give anything to have one more cup of coffee with him.
Oh Nancy. I’m truly so sorry for the loss of your Dad. I lost my Dad several years ago, but I can’t imagine how difficult this time must be for you. I hope with time you’ll be able to remember him with smiles rather than tears as you enjoy a comforting cup of coffee.
I’d love to have a cup of coffee with my sister who lives out of state.
I’ve always wanted a sister, Ashley! I hope you’ll be able to spend time together very soon.
I would love to have a cup of Starbucks with my bestie from high school Melodye!
Awww, old high school friends are literally the best, Tracie! I hope you get to enjoy a cup with Melodye soon!
my family!
My mom and sister live in another state. I cant wait to be sipping coffee with them over the holidays!
Oh Jill, I hope you make wonderful memories while chatting with your sister and mom during the holidays. Cheers!
If I had the chance to sit down it would be with son and daughter because I have never been able to have a pleasant and relaxing day I wish that would happen one time I’m getting old and it would make me so happy.
Sara Ramos recently posted..5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Boarding Kennel for Your Dog
I hope you’re able to make it happen soon, Sara.
I’d love to have a coffee with my two favorite young women, my daughters. One will be home from school soon and it will be great to see them together.
Nancy B recently posted..How to help Paris: Ways to support victims of terror attacks in France
Oh Nancy, what a sweet thing to say about your girls. I hope you get to chat with them for hours very soon.
Can I sit down with myself and chat? Mostly because I’m awesome and that way I get two cups of Starbucks Chestnut Praline latte….with soy of course.
Of course you can, Casey. There’s nothing wrong with having a conversation with yourself while double-fisting some coffee. Ooh, I’ve never tried the Chestnut Praline Latte! Good luck, my friend!
My sister-in-law. Because I haven’t seen her in way too long and miss her. And we love to sit and chat for hourrrrssss.

Andrea B. recently posted..November is Winding Down: Where I Am.
I hope you get to spend time gabbing with her very soon, Andrea! She’s lucky to have YOU as her sister-in-law!
My BFF in Seattle. It’s been almost a year since I’ve seen her! We used to get coffee every day!
Ewokmama recently posted..Keeping Your Toddler Busy When Traveling
Oh I hope you get to see her very soon, Crystal. OR maybe just drink coffee and chat over Skype.