Timehop is the Most Bittersweet App of All & How My Kid Made Me Cry Today

So I had a post all planned out in my head for today, but then something really awesome happened and I decided THAT is what I need to write about today instead. Don’t worry, though, I’ll bore you with my health and fitness goals and a recap of my favorite road race another day very soon. Pinky swear.

Timehop 200 Club

Have you ever heard of the Timehop app? I mean, that’s probably a silly question because who hasn’t heard of it, right? Well it’s become one of my favorite apps, especially since I hit a pretty huge milestone today. Hello, 200 Club! Yeah, that’s right. I’ve been looking back at my posts from previous years for 200 days straight and I’m pretty darn excited about it. The thing is, though, while Timehop is mostly fun because I get to laugh at some of the stuff I wasted time posting on Facebook eight years ago. Like, remember when everyone started their status with the word is and a Facebook update looked something like is wondering what to have for lunch today? Oh, don’t pretend you don’t remember because we all did it and I have no idea what we were thinking.

Here’s the thing about Timehop. It’s filled with memories, but all of them aren’t happy ones. Today, for example, one of my mine was from two years ago when I posted to Facebook asking for good thoughts as I was struggling to get through the most difficult parenting time of my life. Without getting too specific, it was hard and I felt genuinely scared and helpless for my kid while also vowing to never give up on him because you’re not allowed to give up when you’re a parent. The next several months were very emotionally draining on his father and I, but like I said, we never allowed ourselves to give up.

We are all in a much better place today and I could not be more proud of my son for the way he handled things in the last two years and how far he’s come. He’s one of my favorite people in the entire world and we lost him for a while, but he’s back better than ever. So today when he sent me a text saying he got a call from a local college he applied to telling him he’s been accepted for the upcoming Spring semester I practically burst into tears. Two years ago I was worried for him and his future, but today I’m looking forward to witnessing all he accomplishes. That kid of mine. He’s going to do great things.

And now if you’ll excuse me, we’re going to celebrate with pizza and a Pepperidge Farm frozen cake (his favorite).

Your turn. Tell me something awesome about your kid because we should all get to brag every now and then.


  1. I feel you! I always get a little sad realizing how fast my baby is growing up. In fact, he’s not a baby anymore, I know. But sometimes I miss those days of little chubby cheeks 🙂

    • It’s bittersweet for sure, Ashley. There’s so much I miss about when my boys were little, but watching them grow into adults has been amazing, too.

  2. I see Timehop a lot but I didn’t know it was app. I like when we are reminded of things good or bad because it shows us how far we come and how strong we really are.

  3. So happy to hear your son is doing well- can’t wait for you to share all of his future accomplishments with us! I’ve shed my own tears over Timehop before- if you’re not careful, those memories sure can be a doozy!

    • Thank you so much, Lois. I cannot wait to see where he goes, what he does, and you know I’ll be sharing as much of it as possible. Yes, those tears sneak up on your sometimes…..both happy and sad ones.

  4. Oh I had no idea that TimeHop was an actual app! It is something I look forward to seeing everyday!

    • Yes, Reesa, it’s become one my favorite apps! I don’t really look at Facebook memories much because Timehop compiles everything from Twitter, Instagram, AND Facebook all into one place.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this story. Congrats to you and your son for coming such a long way.

  6. I am 65, a mother of four and grandmother to 6. I can tell you from experience, that there are lots of times in our kids lives that we will worry ourselves over them, and pray and hope for the best. How awesome that your son has come out through his turmoil to a glorious new beginning.

    My kids are all awesome in their own way. My son, the oldest, is retired after serving 20 years in the Air Force. I am so proud of him! He is a web developer now, and learned everything he knows while in the service. He even earned a degree in Computer Science while in the Air Force.

    My oldest daughter is the children’s program specialist at a library in Colorado. She loves her job, and says that she can’t believe she gets paid to read to children at storytimes, and do arts and crafts with them.

    My step-daughter, who I consider mine, is a real estate agent, and just sold her first $650,000 house.
    And, my youngest daughter is a biology/special ed teacher at a high school. I think I have good reason to be proud of all four of these adult children of mine. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to brag on them.

    • Wow, Karen. Your kids all sound like amazing adults and I can feel the pride coming through in your comment. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you as their cheerleader!

  7. I’m so proud of my oldest for being a great sister and coming out of her shell in preK. She loves her little sister and always looks out for her. My little daredevil is 17 months and her new favorite activity is sitting on the potty! She has to do everything her sister does. They love each other so much and it makes me so happy <3

  8. I stopped looking at Timehop because it kept reminding me of a really difficult time in my life. I’m glad you guys came out of your tough period OK 🙂

    Now, something amazing about my kids. Well, my youngest started school in September, and despite ‘hating’ it, he’s doing really well and is obsessed with letter sounds. And my eldest is just doing incredibly well at school too. She is working at advanced level in Science – a subject I could never quite grasp!!

    Louise x
    Louise recently posted..5 Things I’d Do If I Won The Lottery!My Profile

    • I’m so sorry, Louise. While some of those tough memories still feel like a punch to the gut, they are definitely much easier to get through knowing things are better now. Oh my gosh, your kids are amazing. I, too, was never good with Science so I’m always impressed with kids who are, like your super smart-sounding little lady!

  9. Jacqui Odell says

    This is so true! Sometimes I love seeing my memories but sometime it is sad.

  10. Oh Timehop! I love looking back at special moments too! Glad to hear that it not only reminded you of all the funny times but also those challenging times you made it though. That’s the stuff to definately feel proud of!

  11. Congrats on your kid’s college acceptance; that is wonderful! My kids have attended a semester or two of college, then dropped out to work, but plan on going back, eventually. My oldest plans to go into physical therapy while my youngest will probably go for something in the trades.

    I am worried they won’t go back and will turn out like me, having most of a bachelor’s degree but not being able to take jobs that require a degree. Stuck in jobs where the competition is too much, and things like raises are never very much. On the other hand, is there really any point in going to college when you don’t know what you want to do? I don’t think so. Now that my oldest has decided what he wants, it’s only a matter of time until he goes back.

    I still couldn’t be more proud of them, though. They are making the best of what they’ve been given, and taking steps to do better!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.My Profile

    • Thanks so much for this comment, Kim. I very much agree with you that whatever our kids decide is best for them is what’s most important. I’ve never been one to push him in any specific direction, but I’m so very proud of his choice and excited to see what he does in the future.

  12. My kids also like yours that I buy toy cars and gift them after some hours I realize that the toy is broken then they cry that want more toys so I pick my car key and go to the store to buy more toys for my kids after buy I was on the drive than my car tire puncher then thank god I already buy the best tires for tacoma which helps me at a time so I change the tire and drive to home and again gift them and my kids happy.

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    Timehop is the Most Bittersweet App of All & How My Kid Made Me Cry Today

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