Kids Konserve Review and Discount Code!

Providing my kids with a waste-free lunchbox has been a gradual transition that I am pleased to say is basically complete! From reusable containers to the cloth napkin, my kids don’t throw anything from their lunchboxes away! Good feeling, great feeling! Consider these facts from the Kids Konserve website:

  • Children’s lunches create 3.5 billion pounds of garbage each year!

  • 18,760 pounds of trash is generated annually from one average sized elementary school.

  • 80% of the 31 billion single serving plastic water bottles Americans use each year end up in landfills!

  • It takes a 15 year old tree to produce 700 brown paper bags!

So, when Kids Konserve wanted to send me a couple of their products to try I was thrilled! I love receiving stuff in the mail and “green” stuff is even better! I received one of their 16 ounce stainless steel water bottles made completely without the use of BPA, lead, or phthalates and one of their 13 inch round food kozies, again made without the use of BPA, lead or phthalates and easily washable with a some hot, soapy water! The food kozy is a bit tricky, though. I make mostly homemade bread so sandwiches don’t fit(which was my original plan), but they are great for crackers, apple slices, cut celery and many other things, too! The best part is that it is way less bulky than the other reusable containers that I have to pack so it is a helpful lunchbox space saver! So, to get you started doing your part towards a waste-free lunchbox the folks at Kids Konserve have offered a special discount code just for my readers! Hurry on over to their site and enter the code begreen at the checkout for a 15% discount on your order! Go now, though….the code is only good until October 31st!

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