I’d love to share my stats with you

Practically the only time I ever look at my blog stats is when I’m asked for that information, like when I’m applying for a sponsored post opportunity or to participate in a blog campaign. I cringe as I log in, quickly look up the numbers, and get out as fast as possible. I know, I know. Some bloggers would probably freak out at that admission because I know many that watch their numbers on a daily, possibly hourly, basis. I also realize that if I’m really serious about growing my blog and monetizing even more in the future then I really need to be monitoring my stats and all of the numbers that are affecting my ability to gain more work and exposure for myself and my blog. Truth be told when I was watching my numbers closely and logging into Google Analytics every day I was feeling discouraged. When I say my numbers are modest, I’m be very kind to myself. I’m hardly a blip on the internet and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but when you have the desire to grow and improve, which I certainly want for myself and this little blog of mine, it’s certainly something that requires some attention. In an environment where numbers like unique visitors, pageviews, and klout scores matter, it can get a girl a little down on herself, but it can also be motivation. The beginning of a month is always when I feel the most energized and motivated. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start and to focus on adding solid content, which I know will ultimately bring those numbers up to a place where I wouldn’t be embarrassed to share them with others. Out loud. Or at least I hope that’s what it will do. There’s certainly plenty to talk about, like the fact that it’s Autism Awareness Month or that we’re going to Walt DisneyWorld at the end of the month. Between those two things and other stuff  like fitness and parenting, I should be able to find plenty to talk about, right? Maybe I should consider one of those editorial calendar things that so many other bloggers talk about, you know, with color coding and deadlines and such. If nothing else, I’d have something pretty and colorful to look at.


  1. I’m in a similar boat but I wasn’t even invited to WDW this year, so I think you’re pretty hot stuff! Just kidding but I definitely think we need to remember that numbers aren’t everything.

    • Oh my friend, I greatly appreciate that invite and hate that I won’t see you there, but it sometimes feels like such an uphill battle when it comes to the numbers and trying to improve while focusing on being authentic and not compromising your voice.

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