I miss my kid

This week has been a bit tough for me. Nick is away for the entire week on a school trip and we just aren’t complete as a family when one of us away, at least that’s how I feel. These boys probably party like it’s 1999 when I’m away, but for me we just aren’t whole when one of us isn’t here. In all honesty, it’s definitely been a lot quieter without Nick here. He’s not exactly a morning person and there are certainly times when I feel like there isn’t enough wine in Napa to get me through the teen age years with him, but still, we aren’t a complete family without him here. I’m writing this now because I want to have a reminder of how much I missed him the next time he politely disagrees argues with me or gives me an attitude, which you can imagine hardly ever happens with a teenager. Like, hardly. Ever.

There are certainly a few perks to Nick being away. Not only do we get to sleep in a few extra minutes every day, but I have one less breakfast to prepare and one less lunch to pack. There’s also less laundry to wash and fewer dishes to wash. Clearly other Moms will totally appreciate all of those benefits. More than anything, I hope he’s having a wonderful time with his classmates, learning, laughing, and bonding, but I’m also wishing I had insisted he broke the rules and brought his cell phone so that he could text and let me know how he’s doing. Okay, fine. It would be more for me to text him to ease my mind, but whatever. Semantics. Potato. Potahto. I’m just eager to go and pick him up on Friday so we can get back to normal around here.


  1. Is today the day he comes home?? Enjoy being reunited. I’m sure he had a blast.
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..How to Cook with TempehMy Profile

  2. You got very nice blog graphic – is it custom made, or maybe some public template? Where can I download it from (if it’s possible)?
    Clara M recently posted..Soma 350mgMy Profile

  3. Being away from your child is really a torture for me. But if the reason behind why you’re apart is for his or her good, it will be worth it when you get reunited.
    Dolly recently posted..Outdoor chaise loungeMy Profile

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