So here I am almost to the half way point of National Blog Posting Month and while I’d like to celebrate that fact, I’m also feeling a bit lame with some of what I’ve written so far. Some days it’s hard, especially when you go from basically neglecting your blog (like I had done) to having to come up with content every single day for a month. I’m definitely enjoying the discipline it requires, but post ideas just aren’t popping into my brain like I wish they would. That’s why I looked back into my own archives and found a post I wrote a few years ago during NaBloPoMo and thought I’d give that prompt another try because I’m certain you are dying to know what is in my fridge right this very minute. I’m even going to share a snapshot of the inside of my refrigerator, so try not to judge the contents, okay? Better yet, judge away, but I think you’re probably also a little jealous of my kid’s Vault Boy water bottle. If you don’t know who Vault Boy is, go ask a teenager because they pretty much know everything.
Okay, now let’s get back to the excitement at hand and talk about the contents of my refrigerator. Actually, I’d just like to focus on some of the staples that are always in there to distract you from the unhealthy stuff, like that, ummmm, chocolate cake in the back. I mean, I don’t feel guilty about the cake because we ate it to celebrate Nick’s awesome news a couple weeks ago, but I’m a little embarrassed there’s any left. Seriously? Who doesn’t finish all the cake when there’s a cake in the house?!?! Shameful. See, there I go again getting all distracted by my own photo when I promised you an in-depth look at my fridge staples.
- Eggs. Not just any eggs, but Nellie’s eggs. These ones are my favorite and I like to buy extra when they’re on sale, which is why there are 3 dozen in our fridge right now. We do eat a fair amount of eggs, though, so it won’t take a lot of time before these ones disappear. One of my favorite things to have on hand is a bowl of hard-boiled eggs. I cook up a half dozen at a time and keep them in a large bowl in the fridge. They make a great quick and healthy protein-packed snack, which reminds me that I need to make a batch tomorrow.
- Greek Yogurt. This is another perfect option for a quick snack that’s packed with protein. I also love that this brand has actual fruit in the yogurt as well as live and active cultures.
- Cream Cheese. Not only is cream cheese wonderful for making homemade dip, but my guys all love bagels with cream cheese as a quick and easy breakfast option, which is why we always have plenty on hand in a few different flavors.
- Dill Vegetable Dip & a Variety of Vegetables. This is another healthy option I like to have ready to go at all times. Basically I spend a few minutes at the beginning of the week and cut up some carrots, celery, and broccoli and toss them into a storage container and keep it in the fridge. When everyone is hungry and I’m trying to get dinner made as quickly as possible I take out the veggies and dip for everyone to nibble on while they wait.
- Egg Nog. Well, this one isn’t something we have on hand all the time, but it’s definitely a seasonal staple for Nick and Paul. Fun fact, though, that I love to tease Paul about is that he hates eggs, but guzzles egg nog by the pint. Obviously it’s the obscene amount of sugar that distracts him from the egg (I guess), but I still find it funny. And he thinks it’s funny that I love eggs, but have zero interest in drinking egg nog. Honestly, it smells too sweet to me and if I’m gonna consume that many calories made of sugar then it’s going to be with my face in a pint of my favorite Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. The end.
So there you have it. My exciting refrigerator and some of my favorite staples. What about you? What do have in your fridge at all times? If you say chocolate cake I promise not to judge you. As a matter of fact I’d probably send you a virtual fist bump and ask if I can come for a visit. I’d even bring my own glass of milk and a fork because I’m considerate like that.
I dig your organizational skills! I have a refrigerator post coming at some point, but I won’t be showcasing what’s in mine. I actually hope to knock a DIY project off, but that’s beside the point.
I’m like you – had neglected my poor little blog for SO LONG. But I have to admit it’s kind of hard (for me, anyway) to post when I know no one sees it. Heck that ought to be incentive to post! Your neglect probably comes from a real reason, like being busy and doing important things. I wish mine did. I just get discouraged from time to time.
Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..“A” for effort?
Hahaha, I’m terrible at organization, actually. If it appears I’m organized it’s totally by accident. I get what you’re saying about writing when it feels like you don’t have an audience, but keep going! There are some great Facebook groups for reciprocal post love if that’s something you’d like to try in the future.
I love your refrigerator! We had to go to a smaller fridge a year ago when our much larger refrigerator bit the dust. (We had to take it apart to get it out of the kitchen and through the door. New fridge didn’t require that headache.) We always have milk, eggs, cheese and fruit in the refrigerator. My two little ones love milk and fruit – and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Thank you, Jaime. This one is surprisingly smaller than it looks, but it was a great deal and works for us. Plus, I LOVE the french doors so much, as well as the pull-out tray. Ooh, grilled cheese. YUM.
I can’t share the inside of my refrigerator because I really, really need to clean it out.
I love eggnog, but I have a hard-and-fast rule that I can’t buy any before Thanksgiving. And this year I’m going to have to try soynog or almondnog, because I can’t have the real thing anymore.
Nichole recently posted..A collection of random images that were on my computer
Hahaha, yeah mine isn’t the prettiest right now, but trying to keep it real.
I TRIED to convince my kid that he should wait until at least December 1st for egg not, but noooooo, he had to have it now.