Everyone Needs a Friendly "Ecominder" Every Now and Then!

Okay, so I love being green and doing my part not only for my family and the future of my kids, but for the environment as well. We recycle, use resusable bags, use reusable water bottles and coffee mugs, but every now and then it doesn’t hurt to have a little friendly reminder or in this case Ecominder ! I recently had the pleasure of receiving two packs of Ecominders, one for home and office and the other for kids and schools. Basically, Ecominders are reusable stickers that can be placed anywhere we want subtle reminders to do the things that make a difference for our family and the environment every day! Things like turning off the water while brushing our teeth or unplugging certain items when not in use, and one of my favorites is for the bathroom and reminds us to take shorter showers. They are, of course, printed GREEN and are small enough not to be gaudy, but obvious enough to make us pay attention. I love the ones geared toward the kids with cute animations and catchy phrases such as “grip it and flip” to be put on or near a light switch. What was really great was that I got my ten year old son involved and he loved placing them where he thought we needed them and he is actually paying attention to them!!! With all of the hustle and bustle of every day life it can be easy to just forget, but to see the Ecominders all around our home is a nice reminder to always do our part for the environment. Basically, Ecominders are about all of the small things that you can do every day that will add up to big change for the sake of the environment!


  1. Small Footprints says

    What a great idea … and I love that your son gets involved … brilliant to have him post them where he believes they are necessary.

    It’s amazing how things sneak up on us … I need a constant reminder about toilet paper … it’s just so easy to take way more than necessary.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Small Footprints

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