Dashlane Password Manager App + Screen Lock Protection Tips

Dashlane Password Storage App

I can remember when the only password I needed to remember was the one for my AOL email account. Okay, well I don’t remember clearly since it was such a long time ago, but I definitely remember how much simpler the internet was back in 1993. I certainly didn’t have a need to write down my password for fear of forgetting it, but I’m also pretty sure it probably wasn’t as secure as it should have been. Fast forward to the present day and while I’m pretty good at remembering many of my passwords, my brain isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be, so I’ve had to start writing them down in a notebook. High tech, I know.

Have you ever stopped to think just how many different websites you visit on any given day? More importantly, have you ever thought of how many times you type a password on any given day? Between email, shopping sites, and social media I know I personally spend a great deal of time online. Not to mention banking, paying bills, and managing this blog of mine, all of which require password log-ins. Coming up with a password isn’t really all that difficult, but coming up with a secure one certainly can be and remembering a secure password that often includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and sometimes other characters is just plain too much for my brain to handle. Especially on a Monday. Okay, fine, it’s actually too much for my brain on any day of the week. Like I mentioned, I’ve got a notebook with most of my passwords written down, but I realize that simply isn’t the best way to keep track of things that are supposed to be kept top-secret. I hadn’t thought about using an app or a website to store all my passwords until I learned about a couple really great ones from my friends at U.S. Cellular. I even started to use one of them and so far I like it, but I’m still getting the hang of it and will probably keep my trusty pen and paper handy for a little while longer.

Dashlane Password Storage App

  • Keeper is downloaded more than any other password management app because it’s a wonderful tool for managing passwords across different accounts. Keeper’s free app allows local password storage and accessibility on the one device of your choice. For $29.99 a year you can subscribe to their service, which offers access to several of its helpful options. Unlimited password storage, safe internet storage for pictures, videos and important documents, and usage on several devices are some of the features included with a subscription. For an added sense of security, subscribers can utilize the fingerprint login option for fast and safe access to their account.  
  • I recently downloaded the Dashlane on both my laptop and my Samsung Galaxy S6 and while I’m still getting the hang of it I really think it’s a great option for storing passwords as well as other information. Dashlane is a top-rated password storage app and it’s even as Editor’s Pick in the Google Play Store.  As well as helping you create strong passwords for accounts, Dashlane also works as a digital wallet so you can make safe mobile payments. In addition, it also alerts users when there is a potential security breach in the event someone attempts to access their account. A premium subscription, which costs $39.99 per year, provides syncing across devices, Cloud backup, and online information access.
  • Another great option is LastPass. It offers users a secure safe and account organization, depending on your preference. LastPass also allows users to move seamlessly between accounts on the same website and can help you organize credit card information, keep track of account passwords, and so much more. For $12 a year, benefits include a shared family folder, no-limit device syncing, and the ability to use your accounts from any computer or mobile device.

The bottom line is that these apps are all really great options to help you improve your password habits and hopefully avoid the possibility of being hacked. Along with smart password protection it’s also a good idea to take advantage of your smartphone’s lock screen capability. I personally don’t ever leave my phone unattended, but I still have a password set so that secure information on my phone cannot be accessed in the event that my phone gets into the wrong hands. Some other options might include fingerprint identification or a entering a unique PIN, so please choose the method that works best for you in order to keep all your private information totally private.

Oh, and while we’re on the topic of smart password habits and and responsible smartphone usage I should also mention that having a Cell Phone Contract with your child is a great way to keep everyone on the same page when using a mobile device.

Do you use a password management app? How about screen lock protection? Do you use a password or are you more sophisticated and utilize the fingerprint technology?

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of U.S. Cellular’s Blogger Brigade, but all thoughts, attempts at humor, and stories are my own. 




  1. I am the worst when it comes to passwords. I either forget them or make them to easy for others. My son has no issues cracking my passwords. i so need this app to help.
    Rebecca Bryant recently posted..Being Spoiled By @HamptonByHilton #MomBlogger #Travel #FamilyMy Profile

  2. Ugh… I have such a hard time with passwords. I need to get something like this to help me remember all the different passwords I have created and forgot. LOL!!

  3. Man I hate having to try and remember all my passwords. I have them in a file folder and have to look them up all the time.
    Gloria @ Homemade & Yummy recently posted..Friday Favorites – Week 313 – Easter Egg HuntMy Profile

  4. Oh remembering passwords! It is so complicated nowadays. I will have to look into Dashlane!
    Ashley @irishred02 recently posted..All New Jungle Book Clips!My Profile

  5. I so need this! I have so many different passwords because a lot of sites require either a certain amount of characters or numbers, etc and I cannot keep track of the passwords I have chosen.
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..1st Time Seeing In 3D (Almost) Wordless Wednesday With LinkyMy Profile

  6. laura londergan says

    this sounds like something i need to look into as i am always having to reset my passwords – lol

  7. I hate changing my passwords but know that it is the only way to keep my security and information safe. I need to check this manager out
    LauraFunk recently posted..I fell off the wagon #LCHFMy Profile

  8. This sounds like it would be so handy! I don’t even know all my passwords. yikes.
    Maryann Peik recently posted..Traveling With Kids: DisneylandMy Profile

  9. Keeper sounds like a very convenient app. I have such a hard time trying to remember all of my passwords. It seems like everything I do in life involves the use of a password now.

  10. I’m always a bit OCD about my passwords but something like this would make a lot more sense. Might have to give this one a try…

  11. Having to change my passwords because I’ve forgotten or lost them drives me bonkers. And you have to change them all the time, grr

  12. I used LastPass at one point I believe. This does make it easier to keep track of all those crazy passwords.

  13. We need passwords for almost everything we do online. It is great to have a tool help keep them safe.
    Janeane Davis recently posted..Verizon Fios is for LoversMy Profile

  14. My hubby and I were just having this conversation the other day that we need a password protection software. Thanks for this review!

  15. I have so many different passwords for all of the stuff that I am surprised I can remember them all. Maybe having a password manager will make my life a little easier!

  16. I use !0987654321A on every account to never forget or was it QWERTY that I use? Just kidding. I’m actually always forgetting my passwords and always having to use the email resets. How annoying!

  17. This is no easy achievement and sounds far simple than its complex fact. This is a site where you can get what you need to build a recreation room from Mild to Wild. With an anxious laugh, they reassessed their cards.

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