November 23, 1994 was my 23rd birthday. It also happens to be the day I gave birth to Cody. At the time it wasn’t exactly what I had planned, but once he was here I immediately fell in love and instantly forgot about how not-so-fun it is to be in labor and deliver a baby on your own birthday. To this day Cody has been the best birthday gift I ever received, but I’m guessing that’s pretty obvious, right? Even though nothing can top having a child on your birthday, there have certainly been memorable gifts and cards over the years and today I opened the best card I have ever received. It was one that Nick picked out for me and I’m not sure if it’s the 43-year old hormones raging inside of my body or the fact I had not had a cup of coffee yet when I read it, but I got a little emotional. Okay, fine. I got a lot emotional and it required at least one (or three) tissues to wipe away the tears and maybe even some cold water to tame my puffy eyes. You might too if the front of a birthday card from your 16-year old looked like this:
What first caught my attention about the front of this card is that it begins with “Mother”, which is how Nick sometimes refers to me. It was the rest of the words, though, that caused my eyes to water and my heart to bulge. As his mother I always hope I’m setting a good example and that he’s paying attention, but since he’s usually busy being a teenager I’m not always sure how much is really sinking in. Today, though, today he used a birthday card to express how he sees me as a mother, as a woman, and as a human being and if this is truly how I look in his eyes then there is no doubt in my mind that I’m doing something right.
P.S. Nick, if you read this someday I want you to know how sorry I am that you had to witness such a blubbering display of emotion on my part. I know it was probably really awkward to stand there and watch me cry like that, but I promise they were tears of pride and joy. In the future you might want to wait until after I’ve had a cup of coffee and maybe a little food before handing me such a beautiful and sentimental card.
P.P.S. Cody may have been the best gift I ever received on my birthday, but Nick is most definitely the best unbirthday gift I ever received. I’m basically the luckiest mom in the entire world.
Oh my goodness, this is so incredibly sweet! I would have been a complete emotional wreck

Danielle recently posted..10 Simple Ways to Green Your Beauty Regime
Aww, that is sweet! And yep, a card like that from a 16 yr old would make me very happy too.

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