Beginning to feel hopeful for the year to come

The last couple of weeks have been a bit rough for me. I was truly looking forward to the new year and the freshness of a new beginning that it would bring, but then 2012 arrived and I began to feel uncertain and less hopeful for what 2012 might have to offer. One of the problems is social media because it’s social media. It’s where we go to be social, interact, share exciting news, reach out for support and sometimes it can get a little overwhelming, especially when you’re logged into more than one at the same time getting bombarded with everyone’s sharing. I don’t mean to sound negative because when I read of exciting news that my friends share, I’m truly happy. I’m not gonna lie, though, I’ve had moments in the past couple of weeks when I’ve thought what about me? Why can’t something awesome happen for me? I have no doubt that those friends who are getting some of the very opportunities that I hoped to get, deserve them. I would never claim to be more deserving than someone else. So now that the new year is upon us and it’s moving on whether I’ve got a good goal or plan, or not, I’ve got to pull up my boot straps and create opportunities for myself. Nobody can do it better or want it more for me than I want it for myself. I just think I need warmer weather and a lot more sunshine, but since that’s not coming for another several few months and I’ve not moving anytime soon, I’ve decided to dig deep and find something to focus on while maintaining myself as I figure it all out. In the midst of it all, I am, however very pleased to share an amazing new website with you. A site with a focus on social good. The opportunity of being a founding member came at just the right time for me as I’ve been wrestling with what direction I want to move in as a blogger. I was certain that I wanted to use my blog for more good this year, but I wasn’t completely sure how I would do it. I mean, there’s plenty I’m passionate about, like childhood obesity and autism, but being a part of something bigger than myself is something I’m truly looking forward to. I look forward to the challenge and reward that it could offer me as a blogger, but also as a woman, as a person. In case you haven’t heard about this new website, it’s Mom Bloggers for Social Good. You should totally click on over and see what it’s all about and Follow them on Twitter and Like them on Facebook to stay updated on all of the wonderful work they have planned because being a part of community that’s sole purpose is to bring good to others can only feel really great, right?


  1. Not that anyone lets ME decide but I think you deserve good things more than many, many other folks… big hugs.
    Naomi recently posted..CanvasPop: Instagrams as Wall ArtMy Profile

  2. I looked in my crystal ball and 2012 has all sorts of good things in store for you Cathy. I have no doubt. And they usually show up when you least expect it.

    I’m also part of Mom Bloggers for Social Good. I may have even picked up the link from you! I’m very excited to join you in doing some (more) good things around the web.
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..Tips for a Green & Healthy Bag LunchMy Profile

    • Thank you so much for the supportive words, Lori. I do believe, deep down, that 2012 will be amazing! I can’t wait to see what amazing things are in store, for both of us.


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