nomorerack – Join me for the insanity

I’ve always been a coupon clipping and deal seeking kind of a girl. Partly out of necessity, but also because that’s just who I am. More than ever before I have to get really creative and resourceful when it comes to Christmas and shopping for my kids this year. They are both teenagers so we are beyond the years of a simple cardboard box entertaining them for hours. Although we’re struggling this year, I’m trying not to get discouraged especially since there are so many ways to get really great deals and I’m probably subscribed to more email notifications of those deals than several people combined. Most recently I’ve become obsessed with come across They are basically a site offering daily deals at super low prices with new deals live every day at noon. What I really love about them is that they offer $2 flat rate shipping. If there’s one thing that I can’t stand it’s a site that offers awesome deals, but then charges crazy amounts for shipping. Not the case with nomorerack. Here’s what’s kept me up late at night and clicking the refresh button literally hundreds of times in an hour, what they call Insanity Deals. There’s no rhyme or reason to when they post, or if there is, I haven’t figured it out yet. I mean, I’ve come up with a rough idea, but nothing I can say with confidence. Oh, and when they say insane, they aren’t kidding. With prices like $17.91 for a Kindle Fire and $43.20 for an iPad, I’d agree that they are totally insane. As you can imagine it’s super challenging to click at just the right moment second and complete your transaction before the item sells out, but I can tell you they are totally for real. I’ve been lucky enough to get the iPad into my cart, but not quite fast enough with the checkout process to finish the deal. I won’t give up, though. I love the challenge, but it’s super addictive. I won’t tell you how many times I’ve clicked over and refreshed my screen to check for a new Insanity Deal while writing this post. I would feel so darn complete and oozing with satisfaction if I could just get one of those deals, not only because I love a good challenge, but also because I need to find the absolute best deals for the items on my kids’ Christmas lists this year.

Something I recently found and love about nomorerack is that they offer what’s called Friend Rack. It’s basically a way to earn your way to some awesome goodies, like an XBOX360 or a Nintendo Wii. I have my eye on the iPod touch, which happens to be on Cody’s Christmas list this year. I hope you will help me by joining the site because we’re friends, right? And you’d be supporting a great cause. Unlike many other sites where you get credit for referring friends, nomorerack doesn’t require your friends to make a purchase in order for you to earn that referral. You just simply need to register. I promise they won’t spam your inbox eithert. Pinky swear. Literally just your name and email address and you (and I and Cody) will be all set, hopefully. Oh, but there’s a little more. Once you register, in my account click on the redeem a gift card button on the left of the screen and enter the code P1100 to get yourself an immediate $10 credit to start your shopping fun. With some of the amazing deals they offer you could totally get something practically, if not completely, free! I know we are all being bombarded with a crazy number of deal sites these days, but I really do like the incentive offers and the deals are truly amazing. Those two reasons combined were enough for me to share their site with you. Now I’m going to go ice my arms and assume the position at my laptop and wait for another chance at an Insanity Deal. Could somebody please make dinner for my family?

Disclosure: There are referral links in this post. If enough of you click on them and join nomorerack I will earn enough credits to get Cody a shiny new iPod touch. Consider your heartstrings tugged.

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