Wordless Wednesday – Awesome BlogHer 2010 Moment

OMG it’s Jenny The Bloggess!  She looked into my eyes and into my soul and then she typed a note I’ll treasure always!

I wasn’t really sure about this until I got to the second line, but I’d still like to see a picture of her Mom…just because.

And it wouldn’t truly be a Bloggess *original* without one of her stickers on the note! (Unless you are lame, you should totally be reading her blog!

Her autograph! Yeah, that’s right….because she will be even MORE famous someday!

Truly the best part! Getting to squeeze her!


  1. I love the idea of a 30 second challenge! I wish I would have known and had time to make a vlog…hopefully I’ll be paying better attention next week I loved learning more about you!


  1. Meeting my favorite bloggers makes me more nervous than being on The Price is Right « cathy herard says:

    […] I mean there are so many faces I can’t wait to see, but like last year when I got to meet Jenny, there are a couple of other bloggers who simply inspire me because they aren’t afraid to […]

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