The Bunn Coffee Brewer – A Love Story

Oh my goodness, did you hear? Today is National Coffee Day! It makes perfect sense to me that there would be a day devoted to the Bunn Coffee Brewer Reviewmost giving of all beans of the world, but really, every day is national coffee day for me and I’ll celebrate it even bigger today if I must. Maybe I should bake cupcakes or something. You know, to go with the coffee. I like coffee in the morning. Wait. Scratch that. I need coffee in the morning. I like coffee in the afternoon. Wait. Scratch again. I often require coffee in the afternoon. Sometimes I like a cup of coffee after dinner and I’m not talking about that awful decaffeinated stuff. The purpose of coffee is to ingest the caffeine. I don’t know who though it would be a bright idea to take it out of the coffee, but it’s crazy I tell you. Crazy. As I’ve gotten older matured, I’ve gotten more picky about my coffee. Some might call that a snob, I call it selective, or discerning, if you will. Potato, potahto. Whatever! Truthfully, I prefer to brew and drink my own coffee at home. Not only because it’s a heck of lot cheaper, but also because I truly think it tastes better. This hasn’t always been the case, though. I can’t count how many coffee makers we’ve purchased over the last twenty years, all of which, wound up dying. Tragic. So very tragic. If you love coffee as I do, you are totally shaking your head in agreement right now because the only thing worse than realizing you’ve run out of coffee is realizing you’re precious brewer of love juice has quit on you. This is precisely why I love my Bunn coffee brewer. I had always dreamed of having a Bunn of my very own. It’s what you see in many restaurants and I learned a few years ago that the key to really great coffee is the temperature of the water. Many of cheaper coffee makers simply can’t reach the necessary temperature for a really good cup of coffee like the Bunn can. This is of uber importance I tell you. I knew it was certainly going to be an investment for us because the price tag is pretty high (at around $100), but I sold some of the kids’ video games waited for the right time and made the purchase. I swear it was one of the best days of my life. I promise kids, your births ares still the best days of my life.

One of the things that I wish Bunn would do is make their machines for home brewers a bit prettier. They are traditionally a commercial coffee maker, so they aren’t designed to look good on your counter, but there are so many other reasons to love this sweet, sweet, kitchen appliance. Plus, didn’t your Mom ever tell you? Don’t judge a book by it’s cover!

A few reasons I love my Bunn Coffee Maker

  • Let’s get the fun one out of the way first, shall we? I love to say I have a Bunn – I don’t know why, but it makes me giggle like a junior high student watching a video in health class.
  • Three minutes flat. That’s how long it takes to brew a pot of coffee. (Yes, at a matter of fact, I have timed it!) You’re impressed and a little jealous, aren’t you? I would be if I were you because I know you’re like me if you love and need coffee some mornings at a speed that only an IV needle could bring, you want your coffee and you want it now.
  • Quality. I’ve already said this, really, but it’s worth repeating. The temperature is perfect. Hot, but not burnt. What are those coffee shop baristas thinking when they hand you a cup of coffee that you can barely hold on to because the cup is scorching and when you take a sip your tongue is done for the entire day. You won’t enjoy a bite or drink of anything else for the rest of the day thanks to them and their skill at giving you a hot cup of java.
  • Reliability. That machine works overtime to assure I’ll have the perfect cup of coffee every time I flip the switch, fill the filter, and pour in the water. By overtime I mean it’s always plugged in and keeping the water warm in its nifty reservoir. Say all you want about using that much electricity, but I take take shorter showers than all the boys in my house, so it all balances out. When we love something, we are willing to make sacrifices people. I’m a giver like that.
  • Customer Service. Okay, this one I only recently experienced, but it might be the most awesome. It was one of those mornings you hope and pray will never happen. I woke up to a dead coffee brewer. Panic set in. I must have tried every other outlet in the kitchen begging for it to be an electrical issue and not an issue with my precious Bunn. (We have landlord so that would be their issue, not ours.) My first thought was that I can’t afford a new coffee machine and my second thought was that I can’t afford a new coffee machine. All of this was heightened by the fact that I needed my coffee. I needed it now. I was grumpy and possibly close to tears and I pulled out my owner’s manual to try and troubleshoot. Nothing worked so I called the customer service number. They asked for the model number and date code. I gave it to the representative, hoping he’d say there was some random recall and I’d be receiving a new one immediately. That wasn’t the case, but guess what?! My beloved was under warranty and they were, in fact, going to send me a brand spanking new one. At no charge! And then I did cry. Tears of joy. It was a really long several days, but the day it arrived was cause for celebration. More because I had suffered through instant coffee (by suffered, I mean barely drank any at all because it was horrid). Who drinks that stuff? Shiver.

So today, on National Coffee Day, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be celebrating with than my BFF, my Bunn.


  1. […] Aside from water it’s my favorite beverage, which is why I even took the time to write about my favorite coffee maker for all my fellow coffee lovers. I love coffee in the morning. I love it in the afternoon. I love […]

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