A Bit of Insight Into ME!

I’ll just be honest. When I first started with my website and then my blog, I wanted(no, needed) to make money from home. I worked hard with the help of my husband to build our website from scratch and thought it would be so easy. We built it and “they would come.” Well, I wasn’t quite that naive, but I also didn’t realize it would be so very challenging. It’s hard work….FOR REAL! Having the urgency of a needed income didn’t help because it took away from the fun of a website and blogging. It started to stress me out and that just wasn’t good…not for me OR my family.

It has been well over a year since we started with all of this and it is really hard if you want to make a decent income from home, but then again, you have to work hard to be successful no matter what you choose for work. I have always been a firm believer, though, that you should be doing what you truly love and it should be something that you would ultimately do without receiving a paycheck. I have encouraged my husband to leave well paying jobs because the stress on him physically wasn’t worth the great pay he was bringing home. At those times we struggled because his was the only income for our family of four, but I can happily say that he is now doing what he is truly meant to do. As a matter of fact, I consider him a superstar at what he does. I truly envy him. I am getting to the point that I can say I am doing what I really love and since I really don’t get paid to do it, I must really like it! Blogging has become something that I look forward to and what I really love is the community I have come to be a part of on Twitter. There are so many wonderful people on there that I have meant and hope to meet in person someday.
Building those relationships has become such a huge part of my motivation every day. I want to learn about people, share my knowledge, and hopefully make a difference in someone else’s life. We are still a family of four surviving on one income, but we are okay, at least for the most part. Realistically, I have to be at home because my 15 year old son has autism and when he arrives home at the end of the school day someone has to be here for him. There aren’t a lot of jobs outside of the home with the flexibility I need, like working only during school hours, not being able to work on holidays and needing summer vacations off. I do substitute some in the schools, but that is very part-time. So, since I am home most of time, I figure I may as well do something productive with myself. Yes, being logged in 90 percent of the day on Twitter DOES count as productive. Fine, maybe NOT, but who else can they all count on for a good laugh, support, or witty sarcasm all rolled into one delightful package? That’s what I thought! See, I knew I would find my purpose.
What it comes down to is this: doing what you really love isn’t always going to mean a big paycheck, but you can’t put a pricetag on true happiness and your sanity.

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