16 Already…..how did that happen?

Dear Cody,

I can still remember being pregnant with you all those years ago.  Although it wasn’t planned, I was still so happy and excited for your arrival.  Looking back, I wouldn’t have been so eager had I known the pain it would cause to push all nine pounds and four ounces of you out of my body.  Once I held you in my arms, the memory of the pain disappeared almost instantly.  Watching you grow and meet every milestone as a baby was one of the greatest joys ever.  I might have even been a little obsessed with that, but I’m your Mom, and I won’t ever stop being super excited with all that you accomplish!
You have been such a gift to me and to everyone who meets you.  You’ve taught me patience, compassion, and an open understanding of everyone around me. 
Your love for game shows is contagious and when combined with your love for all things Disney, I can see how truly content you are to play and build and share it all with me and with the rest of our family.  I have many hopes and dreams for your future, some that may or may not be the same ones that you have for yourself, but no matter what, I’ll always be your biggest cheerleader.
Today we’ll celebrate with your favorite meal and a slice or two of cake, and of course a birthday present, but every day is a true gift having you as my son.
Happy 16th (gulp) Birthday Cody!

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